Insert an image

Now you're ready to add an image. You use the Object palette to add images, but first you must create some empty space at the top of the document.

1 Move the cursor to the beginning of the "Bright Blue Cola" heading.
2 Press Enter twice to create two empty H1 paragraphs.
3 Place the cursor at the top of the document.
4 If the Object Palette isn't already open, choose Window > Objects.
5 Click the Insert Image button in the Object palette.
6 In the Insert Image dialog box, click Browse.
7 Choose the file Bottlecap.gif in the Tutorial folder, and then click OK when the Insert Image dialog box reappears.
The image appears at the top of the document.
Since the image is in the text flow of the document, you use a text formatting command to center it.
8 With the image selected, choose Text > Alignment > Center.
Dreamweaver centers the image.

The way the document is set up now, the image always appears in the center. To make the page more interesting, you decide to make the bottle cap move across the top of the page.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Create a layer and a timeline animation.